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Group class Keeps you in good shape - like dribbling and passing drills in basketball - these are the fundamentals and once you know how to do them you keep them a part of each practice - they are the foundation of other skills you will work on. sample practice chart

7 Expert Tips about Music Practice from the guests of the Time to Practice Podcast

This week on the Time to Practice podcast I am sharing expert practice tips from our guests on the show who we heard from in early 2024. Each week I ask our guests the question: “If you could leave listeners with one tip about music practice this week, what would it be?” 

These tips are too good not to share as their own episode, so you can listen, share with students in your studio and revisit when you need some practice inspiration. I hope you enjoy listening to them as much as I enjoyed putting them together with you in mind. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast streaming service, so you don’t miss future episodes.

To Listen to the full episode of Expert Practice Tips, you can find the Time to Practice Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Audible or your favorite podcast platform. You can also listen directly from the link below: 

7 Expert Practice Tips to Help You This Week Time To Practice

Our expert tips today include the following ideas:

Crystal Boyack shares a tip about how the whole family can support young musicians by sharing something they are working on with one another. Listen to her full episode here: Musicality & Joy from the Beginning with Crystal Boyack: Episode 39

Susanna Klein suggests ways to “gamify” practice including fun ideas using dice and ping pong balls to make practice more engaging and fun.Listen to her full interview here: Playing the Long Game with Susanna Klein; Episode 41

Barbie Wong recommends using the “peak end rule” to structure practice sessions with the idea that starting and ending with positive experiences can help students with motivation and enjoyment of practice. Her interview is here: .Leading with Love First with Barbie Wong: Episode 43

Alan Duncan shares a tip about focus and attention that was inspired by poet Mary Oliver. His full interview can be found here: The Parent-Child Relationship in Music Practice with Alan Duncan: Episode 44

Jennifer Roig-Francoli encourages us to trust the learning process and trust the way our brains work, rather than over practicing. You can find her full interview here: Making Great Music with Ease with Jennifer Roig-Francoli: Episode 46 

Amy Beth Horman shares how she changed her own approach to practice as a busy mother with lots of performing in her life and how that influenced practice with her daughter years later. Supporting Teens & Approaching Practice with Gratitude with Amy Beth Horman: 

Episode 48 & Episode 49

Christopher Maloney shares an idea for using a practice log to track, not to report in to anyone else, but to notice our own progress. You can find our entire conversation here: Unlocking What’s Possible with Christopher Maloney of Practice Warriors: Episode 50 

To read the full transcript of these clips, scroll to the end of this article.

Links in this Expert practice tip episode:

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