On this week's episode of the Time to Practice podcast, regular guest Barbie Wong is…
Setting Music Goals for 2020
I have been giving a lot of thought lately to setting music goals for the coming school year.
Whatever your school year looks like, chances are it’s a very different year this fall of 2020.
I love setting goals and working with my students and their families to develop them, as well. This year, I think it’s essential to reassess and reframe our goals in light of our current reality.
Many of us might have very different situations, whether we are teaching or learning entirely online, in-person with health precautions, or some hybrid of those two.
The goals we used to have related to progress in music lessons might need a second look this year. We don’t want to set ourselves up to be frustrated or feel like we can’t make progress; perhaps measuring progress this year will look a little bit different.
I shared the following goals with my studio parents in our back-to-school packet this fall. I wanted to share them here as well in case they help you think about how you might want to frame your goals for the school year. You can see the text taken directly out of my newsletter below:
My goals for the year for our studio:
1. To keep music going during these unusual times.
2. For students to feel a sense of accomplishment and connection through their music.
3. For students to improve their skills and enjoyment of playing.
Thank you for your continued support of your child’s music education this school year. I am so grateful for the technology that allows us to keep learning together.
I’d love you to share in the comments what your goals are for the school year. Are they the same as always? Do they need a little bit of changing up to adapt to our current reality?
I think pulling our goals out once a month or so and reminding ourselves of our focus is a great way to check-in and remember the big picture, especially during uncertain or unusual times.
*You can find graphics of my goals (above) to share on Instagram