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Group class Keeps you in good shape - like dribbling and passing drills in basketball - these are the fundamentals and once you know how to do them you keep them a part of each practice - they are the foundation of other skills you will work on. sample practice chart

Progress Not Perfection

What makes a good practice session? Or a good lesson?

Sometimes I think we only count sessions where all the starts align, everyone is in a great mood, and what we’re working on comes easy to us.

I’ll take a practice or lesson like that any day.

But it’s not the reality most of the time.

A good practice can mean:

We get started with out a battle.

Our child is able to focus for longer than yesterday.

We focused on improving something rather than just checking off boxes.

Our review pieces were easier.

Our child noticed something they wanted to improve.

I stayed calm and was patient with my child’s pace.

We kept our routine going, even though we weren’t super productive.

Our child came and stood on their foot chart when prompted.

No one had a meltdown.

Practice happened today, even though life is busy.

Sometimes progress takes huge leaps and bounds and there is no doubt it’s happening.

Other times we have to be conscious of the tiny building blocks of progress that we’re piecing together.

They can be easy to miss.

Progress doesn’t always come in with fireworks and celebrations. Sometimes it is a quiet realization that we made a tiny step forward.

And when we can celebrate and notice that, it becomes so much easier to keep going.


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