On this week's episode of the Time to Practice podcast, regular guest Barbie Wong is…
How to Focus on the Big Picture During Music Practice
Now more than ever, it’s critical to focus on the big picture when we work with our children during music practice.
It’s easy to get distracted and frustrated by the details that aren’t going the way we want, but if we can step back and focus on what will be important years from now, we can keep perspective and keep music practice going along productively.
So how do we keep the big picture in mind during music practice?
Here is a simple approach:
Have clear goals:
What do you want your child to gain from learning music?
Who do you want them to become during the process?
Keep the details of what to practice in mind, but don’t let them derail you.
You don’t want to focus on the details at the expense of your bigger goals.
Take a few minutes before each practice & remind yourself:
What should we focus on today?
What are our goals?
Remember why your family is committed to music.
This shift in perspective makes all the difference!
Interested in this topic as a parent or teacher? Jodie St Clair and I are offering a FREE one-day event on June 6th, 2020, called the Big Picture Parenting Summit. This event is for any parent, although we are going to talk about a big picture perspective as parents through the lens of learning and practicing music. We’d love you to join us!
You can find out more details HERE.
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