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Group class Keeps you in good shape - like dribbling and passing drills in basketball - these are the fundamentals and once you know how to do them you keep them a part of each practice - they are the foundation of other skills you will work on. sample practice chart

My Favorite Books of 2019

Well, the year isn’t quite over yet, but I want to share some of my favorite books of 2019. Specifically this list applies to teachers and parents who are part of the Suzuki Triangle Community. I also read a lot of fiction (one of my favorite ways to relax), but I wanted to share some of my favorite books that I think you might enjoy too.

Whether you go out and buy your copy (the amazon links here are affiliate links FYI) or request from your local library – I hope you’ll check a couple out and let me know what you think!

Here are a few favorites from this year I want to share with you:

Kids Aren’t Lazy: Developing Motivation and Talent Through Music by Lauren Haley

This book has some great perspectives for music parents and teachers alike. While I didn’t agree with everything written in this book, it provided some great ideas and useful perspectives that I plan to share and recommend to parents. It’s definitely worth the read!

Compassionate Music Teaching: A Framework for Motivation and Engagement in the 21st Century by Karin Hendricks

I am just finishing this book up, but it is a fabulous read for teachers. This book emphasizes how to teach in our modern, more diverse teaching environments. It is packed with so much research and so many great case studies: It feels researched like a textbook but reads like an engaging nonfiction book.

College Prep for Musicians: A Comprehensive Guide for Students, Teachers & Counselors By Annie Bosler, Don Greene, & Kathleen Tesar

I read this book to get some current perspectives to share when I talk to parents of teens. There is so much valuable information here. This would be a great resource to point parents to. It would also be great to have in the studio, or music school, as a resource for parents. Much of the information feels familiar to teachers, but its laid out in a well-researched way and gives some authority to what we want to share with parents.

The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months by Brian Moran and Michael Lennington

I read this book in my mastermind group this year and loved it. It’s a way to break down goals into small chunks and map out your time to accomplish more. I am going to tweak how I put it into action this next year but highly recommend it if you are looking to get more done in 2020

You Must Write a Book: Boost Your Brand, Get More Business, and Become the Go-To Expert by Honoree Corder

This book was one I first read when writing my first book Beyond the Music Lesson, and one I re-read this year as I went through the authors online workshop. It is packed with great information. If you’ve ever thought of writing and publishing a book, Honoree Corder is the person to learn from.

Because by Mo Willems

This book starts with the phrase “Because a man named Ludwig wrote beautiful Music . . . ” Because takes you through a series of events that keeps new people being inspired by the way other share their music. This excellent book is a children’s picture book that I read and absolutely loved this year! I love how this book told the story of how the love of music gets passed on from one person to the next. It made me tear up for sure when I read it.

So those are some of my favorites for the year . . . I’d love to hear what your favorite book, or books, from 2019 were in the comments below!

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