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Group class Keeps you in good shape - like dribbling and passing drills in basketball - these are the fundamentals and once you know how to do them you keep them a part of each practice - they are the foundation of other skills you will work on. sample practice chart

Fall 2024: New episodes of the Time to Practice podcast are being released starting this September, and I couldn’t be more excited to share them with you!

You can always find the latest episodes on the BLOG tab of the website or through the PODCAST tab as well. Happy Listening!

Musical Nest Community with Barbie Wong

I am thrilled to be co-leading this wonderful community full of support for families of young musicians, and teachers too! We will hold twice monthly meetings, and have a dedicated space for online discussion that is not on social media (which has so many benefits!). We’d love to have you check into the details HERE and join the WAIT LIST. We anticipate opening the community up to new members in mid-October 2024 and would love you to join us!

Christine Goodner talking in front of an audience

Interested in booking Christine for a parent talk, book club/discussion event, Enrichment Course, or guest speaker for your upcoming event?

Please fill out THIS FORM, and Christine will reach out to you to set something up!

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